Saturday, February 4, 2012

OWS LGBT Mike Check Before Waldorf Protest to Demand Equality HRC Goldman Sachs

HRC Goldman Sachs Waldorf Astoria Occupy Wall Street LGBT Protest Equal Rights

HRC Goldman Sachs OWS LGBT "Help" Before NYPD violated 1st Amendment rights in front of Waldorf Astoria

OWS LGBT Protest of HRC Goldman Sachs Waldorf Astoria before NYPD forced them across the street

Tif Mike Check Before OWS LGBT Protest Waldorf Astoria Protesting HRC Goldman Sachs

NYPD Chief Violates Agreement with LGBT NYPD Det and Kicks OWS LGBT across the Street from the Waldorf Astoria

You can have rich white people that pay 650 dollars a plate to pat themselves on the back forced to past LGBT OWS so an NYPD Chief decided to violate our 1rst Amendment Rights!

Waldorf OWS LGBT Forced Across St

Occupy Wall Street LGBT Waldorf Astoria Begins HRC Goldman Sachs protest

Victoria HRC is in Bed with Sachs Machine Photo 2

Bloomberg Come Out! OWS LGBT Waldorf

HRC Help Get LGBT OWS Equality 2014 Waldorf Astoria Goldman Sachs

NYPD Chief Over-rided LGBT Det. Agreement OWS LGBT NYPD Goldman Sach Waldorf

Posting NYPD chat -- apparently a new Chief in town in this YouTube NYPD shown violating 1st amendment rights of protestors  as they  over-rided the LGBT NYPD liason's original agreement to allow the protest in front of the Waldorf as long as protestors kept moving....stupid rich people rule the NYPD so the 1st amendment rights of protestors went out the door.

Victoria HRC is in Bed With Sachs (Goldman Sach!)

Waldorf OWS LGBT Forced Across St

New NYPD Chief and he wanted to throw his weight around and violate the 1st Amendment so rejected LGBT liason Det. Duffy and violated the original agreement as well as our rights.